1) Mark Zuckerberg is a founder of face book and he launched it in feb 4, 2004.
2) "Al Pacino’s face" was on the original name of Facebook homepage.
3) Psychologists have introduced a diagnosis FAD (Face book Addiction Disorder) as a new kind of addiction
4) Face book is responsible for 1 in 5 Divorces in US indicated by one law firm.
5) 1 in every 13 people on Earth is on Face book. It has 845 million active users, and 83 million daily active users.
6) 85%+ of all college students use FACE BOOK and 70% of them log in EVERYDAY.
7) According to a research, people in Face book relationships are happier than single people.
8) The first person to invest in Face book was the co founder of PayPal, Peter Thiel, who invested $500,000 in June 2004.
9) People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Face book
10) As an Average, In one hour 3,0000,000 links are shared, 4,452,000 events invites as posted, 3,969,000 photos are tagged, 5,553,000 status updated, 6 million friend requests accepted, 8,148,000 photos uploaded, 8,148,000 messages sent, 31 million comments posted, 4,761,000 walls posts written in face book.
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